Early Intervention
While all children need love and support to grow and learn, some children need a little extra help. An early intervention team can support your family and help your child reach his potential.
What is Early Intervention?
Early Intervention (EI) is a program in Illinois for children ages birth to three who have delays in development. EI supports and teaches families how to play with their children in ways that will help them learn necessary skills across areas of development. This federally-mandated program is run by Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS).
Why Is Early Intervention Important?
Your child's brain and body are growing rapidly during the first three years of life. He is learning many new things about the world around him.
While all children need love and support to grow and learn, some children need a little extra help. An early intervention team can support your family and help your child reach his potential.
The early intervention program empowers families to help their children learn and overcome challenges. The family, service coordinator, and service providers are a team. Together, we will:
Build on your child's and family's strengths
Talk about the challenges and concerns your family is having about your child
Find out how your child is learning, moving, talking, eating, behaving, etc.
How do I start Early Intervention?
A free developmental screening may be a first step in the referral to Child and Family Connections (CFC).
EI Evaluations CFC Referrals
A child is eligible for services if found to have a significant delay (30% or more) in one or more of the following developmental areas:
Physical (motor)
Cognitive (learning)
Communication (interaction)
Social/Emotional (behavioral)
Adaptive (use of existing skills)
Additional eligibility requirements can include receipt of a medical diagnosis and/or being at risk of significant delay due to specific criteria.
If further evaluations are recommended, a referral to CFC will be made. The family will also be contacted by an intake coordinator or service coordinator to begin the process for evaluations to determine a child’s eligibility for EI services. CFC #2 in Lake County can be contacted at Lake County Health Department: http://www.lakecountyil.gov or (847) 377-8931. Families may request a credentialed evaluator and/or ongoing provider from Pediatric Interactions as part of the team.
Please direct questions or referrals to Sarah Rosten, Clinical Director at (847) 223-7433 ext. 105.
EI Therapy
If a child is found to be eligible for EI services, an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) may be developed. This document outlines a child’s areas of strengths and needs, outcomes, strategies and recommended services.
Developmental services include:
assistive technology devices
early identification and assessment
family training
counseling and home visits
health services necessary to enable the infant or toddler to benefit from other EI services
medical (only for diagnostic or evaluation purposes)
nursing, nutrition
occupational therapy, physical therapy
psychological services
service coordination, social work, special instruction/developmental therapy
speech language pathology and audiology.
Intervention is determined based on goals that are family-centered, functional and measurable. Services are provided within the child’s natural environment and built around the family routines, with written home activity programs to encourage family participation in therapeutic activities on a daily basis.