Feeding Therapy
Do you have a “picky eater” or have other feeding issues? Our feeding therapy can be individual or with peer and include strategies for home carryover.
Speech/Language Pathologists at Pediatric Interactions have extensive knowledge and experience in feeding skills.
Feeding challenges can include food refusal, food sensitivities, fear of swallowing (phagophobia), difficulty swallowing (dysphagia), "failure to thrive," and others. A child’s oral motor, sensory and communication skills may have an impact. As a result, many “behaviors” may also be expressed during mealtime.
Our Approach
Our therapists utilize many approaches and individualize the treatment for the child and family, including:
Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) feeding approach (Kay Toomey), Food Chaining (Fraker, Fishbein, Cox, Walbert) and general sensory integration and oral-motor techniques. We can help families with positioning and adaptive equipment, implement feeding routines and cues, reinforcement programs and behavioral strategies. We also work with children who have allergies/food sensitivities or who receive NG-and G-tube feedings.

Feeding therapy is more than just “teaching a child to eat.” Therapists work closely with patients and their families to determine the source of the child’s difficulties and develop very specific therapies to make the entire process of eating easier and more enjoyable.
Is Your Child a Picky eater or problem feeder?
Click on the link below to take our quick screening to see if your child may benefit from our feeding therapy.