What is Telepractice?
Telepractice allows for more flexible scheduling, without travel or other activity may interfere….your child can do therapy from anywhere! Telepractice may be an ideal solution for families who have children with health issues and this is a solution to going into public places.
Screenings, evaluations, individual and group speech/language therapy sessions online.
“Face to face” with a therapist while playing games and learning and practicing skills.
Opportunity for immediate carryover of skills into your child’s daily routines, activities to support your child’s strengths.
Family coaching on how to make modifications/adaptations to activities or interactions to promote language.
Check this video showing an example of a telepractice early intervention appointment.

Benefits to Telepractice
Continued therapy and progress in skills during “Stay at Home” order in Illinois.
Telepractice allows for more flexible scheduling, without travel or other activities to interfere… your child can do therapy from anywhere!
Option for families who may have health issues or “high risk” factors.
Your child’s therapist can work with E-Learning activities, especially when your child is struggling with an assignment.
Telepractice can be used with ANY age child! The goal is for your child to use the skills learned in therapy at home, this is a great way to practice right away at home. Your child’s therapist can help model how to use toys and things your have in your home.
Pediatric Interactions offers a FREE Telepractice trial/set session to introduce you to what a typical session looks like and answer any questions you
What does a Telepractice Session Look Like?
The therapist prepares activities to engage your child and may usescreen-sharing to show materials or play games during the session.
Parents can be more involved and learn strategies from the therapist to help their child practice skills throughout the week. Clients who are school age and older may need little assistance during these sessions, however, it may be necessary for a parent or another caregiver to be available during the duration of this session with preschoolers and/or other children who may need more support in maintaining attention to or manipulating a computer.
Siblings are welcome to participate in sessions, they are part of your daily routines and are often good “teachers” for home carryover.
NO… your child does not have to sit in front of the screen the whole session. Our sessions can incorporate movement and are still guided by your child’s interest. Your child’s “breaks” away from the screen are great opportunities to talk about strategies and concerns you may be having.
Sessions can also be shorter than when “in-person”.
Each session, you and your child’s therapist will plan for the next session.
FAQ for Families
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions. For more information and/or to schedule up a telepractice trial/set up with us, please contact us by email or call 847-223-7433.
What do I need for a Telepractice session?
What do I need for a Telepractice session? A computer (tablet or phone also works but has some limitations with interacting with materials your therapist may show on the screen). Test your audio and mic and camera function to make sure you can hear and see your therapist. You will need internet access to connect live with your child’s therapist. You will receive an invitation to one of our HIPAA secure platforms.
Who participates in the sessions?
Your child is doing therapy at home, where the skills should be used, so it’s a great way to integrate these skills right away. During sessions, parents can be more involved and learn strategies from the therapist to help their child practice these skills throughout the week. Clients who are school age and older may need little assistance during these sessions, however, it may be necessary for a parent or another caregiver to be available during the duration of this session with preschoolers and/or other children who may need more support in maintaining attention to or manipulating a computer.
Siblings are welcome to participate in sessions, they are part of your daily routines and are often good “teachers” for home carryover.
Will insurance pay for Telepractice?
Illinois has a “Telehealth” act allowing this service and most insurances offer some form of coverage for telehealth services. However, as with all speech therapy services, coverage is determined by the individual insurance policy. Your benefits for this service will need to be verified. We plan to offer private pay options as well for these services.
What do I need to do to get Started / connect on Zoom?
1- Contact our office manager for scheduling/insurance verification.
2- Join the “appointment room” link from your email confirmation and the session will begin. It’s that easy!
One of our HIPAA secure platforms is Zoom (signed Business Associate Agreement). Here are some additional resources to help you get started on zoom:
Video on how to sign up for a Zoom account
Video on how to join a Zoom meeting as a participant
Join a Zoom Meeting Test before your first session
Video on how to join a Google Meet as a participant
3- Complete the telepractice consent
Is telepractice recognized by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)?
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) recognizes Telepractice as the application of telecommunications technology to delivery speech/language pathology services at a distance by linking clinician to client for assessment, intervention and/or consultation.
Use of telepractice must be equivalent to the quality of services provided in person and consistent with adherence to the Code of Ethics (ASHA, 2016a), Scope of Practice in Audiology (ASHA, 2018), Scope of Practice in Speech-Language Pathology (ASHA, 2016b), state and federal laws (e.g., licensure, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act [HIPAA; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, n.d.-c]), and ASHA policy.

What Parents Think

Contact us to schedule an initial developmental evaluation and shepherd you through our intake process.