Happy Halloween
Get insights on how to prepare your toddler for Halloween and Trick or Treating this October.
Signing Throughout The Day With Your Child
We offer at-home activities for parents to help you with signing throughout the day with your child.
Go to Sleep, tips to help your child get and stay asleep.
Holidays are an exciting and busy time; however, without enough rest, they can be stressful and challenging as well. We will share tips on sleeping to help ensure you can build lasting memories and have a fun time with family and friends this holiday season (and all year long).
Orthodontics and Speech Therapy for Tongue Thrust
October is National Orthodontic Health Month. Speech Therapists work closely with Orthodontists so all the beautiful work braces do to your teeth don’t reverse because of underlying swallowing issues or reduced oral strength.
6 Steps to Transition to Adulthood
Here are some additional things you can do to help ensure a successful transition to adulthood.
Reading Repetitive Books
Babies love to hear your voice, talk about what ever you are doing or read aloud what ever you are reading. Use a lot of inflection in your voice and read books that rhyme. Books with simple pictures, bold colors and shapes, photographs. and baby faces.
The Importance of Reading with Your Children!
Reading has a tremendous impact on a child’s speech and language development. Throughout the month of July, the speech/language pathologists at Pediatric Interactions will be sharing with you a few of our favorite books we not only enjoy reading, but also find to be very beneficial in regard to stimulating a child’s language development. We will also be giving examples of the skills targeted while reading these books. You can also find many videos on our Youtube playlist: Reading with Your Child. Monkey See, Monkey Read and Bedtime Stories and Lullabies.