Game On...

In the spirit of this I thought we could start of the new year with some ideas for family fun at home! Here are some ideas for how you can pass the cold, LONG, winter here in the Midwest and "connect" with your family: 

Family Game Night- This is a great way to get everyone involved and having fun. Keep an eye on our Facebook page all month to see what games we like to play with our family and friends. 

Puzzles- Did you know that there are a lot of benefits of doing puzzles? It can help improve your short term memory, gets both sides of your brain working at the same time, helps to improve your visual-spatial reasoning, relieves stress and helps you connect with your family. 

Movie Night- Snuggle in for some popcorn and a movie. This can be special time spent together without interruptions. You can talk about the movie afterwards, even better if you choose one with a positive message! 

Indoor Picnic- This is a great way to break up your routine. My kids LOVE having picnics inside. Throw out a blanket and have a picnic. Keep it simple and focus on just having fun and spending time together. 

Tech Free Days- There has been a buzz in the media recently about the negative impacts of screen time (more than 2 hours per day) can have on kids. Consider having some "unplugged" days- get outside, play a game, do a craft, etc. It is okay, and some research suggests its actually good, for our kids (and us) to be bored!! 

Arts and Crafts- you don't need to be a "pinterest mom" to craft with your kids. It can be as simple as pulling out some scrap paper and markers/crayons and just chatting about their day while coloring. Consider making a Valentine's card to send to a local nursing home or to armed forces serving abroad. Keep on eye on our Facebook page this month for more craft ideas! 

Written by: Lindsey Fry, Speech/Language Pathologist


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