Signing Throughout The Day With Your Child
We offer at-home activities for parents to help you with signing throughout the day with your child.
Let It Snow...
We’re deep into winter now, and that means lots of snow heading our way! I actually LOVE the snow and there are so many fun and cool activities you can do with snow to help kids engage and learn! For some, you don’t even have to go outside! Here are some of our speech-language pathologists’ favorite snow activities….
10 Classic Toys You Need On Your Holiday Gift Lists
“What should I get my kid for Christmas?” “What toys do you recommend for speech/language development?” “Do you think my kid needs.....?” Early Intervention therapists get these questions every year during the holiday season. You can promote speech and language with just about any toy (watch for an upcoming blog), but most of my favorites are the “classics"... These are toys I keep coming back to time after time. Make sure you have these in your toy box! Keep this list in mind as you shop this year or share it with family members who may need some guidance! You can find language opportunities everywhere and with so many toys. These are just a few that I use on a regular basis. Hopefully this gives you some fun, new toys to add to your kid's wish list or give you fresh ideas to play with toys you already have!
Brainstorming Ideas for Using Toys to Promote Development
Pediatric Interactions has partnered with Brainstorm, a local store to get gifts, specialty toys and teach supplies. Families often come into the store and ask for recommendations for toys that will promote their child’s development. Here’s some suggestions we’ve shared at the store.
Game On...
With the hustle and bustle of the holidays over, I don't know about you, but I am enjoying a slower pace! Don't get me wrong, I loved spending time with family and friends and making special memories with my kids, but I also love the start of the new year and the "freshness" of it. What are your goals, resolutions, and/or word for this year? Remember last year I picked a single word for my year- SIMPLIFY. Overall, I would say 2018 was a success in simplifying different areas of my life. For 2019 I have decided that my word is CONNECT. I am hoping to spend more quality time with people, make time for more 1-on-1 time with each of my kids, prioritize date night, disconnect from technology more often and work on improving/maintaining the relationships with the people that matter most to me.